Ako na to, keď chceme dievčatko?

12. apr 2008

Ahojte baby, ktorá by mi vedela poradiť, čo robiť, aby to predsa len vyšlo na dievča, už mám aj dotazník, teda výpočet od dr. JONÁŠA, ale dosť ma to sklamalo...

29. aug 2009

dakujem sofi 😉 😉 😉 😉

29. aug 2009

Naozaj moja svagrina prezila to iste a dnes ma krasne zdrave dvojmesacne dievcatko

8. sep 2009

Tak myslim,ze ja sa tu mozem k Vam pridat opravnene 😀 .Poradteeeeeeee 😀 😀 😀 😀

8. sep 2009

Tak zajkka. Jto uplne jedno či je to chlapček ,alebo dievčatko. My sme prišli v 21.t o chlapčeka a tiež mám dvoch synov. Čo by som dala za to keby bol zdravučky ako tvoji púrekrásni chlapci a keby tu bol. teš sa zo svojich detičiek-

8. sep 2009

zajkka 😀 😀 😀 😀 to je super 😀

8. sep 2009

jeeeeej zajkka to sú krásni chlapci 😀

8. sep 2009

Dakujem Vam denne73,sylvka a reivka,velmi ste ma potesili vsetky tri a samozrejme aj vy mate nadhernich chlapcekov 🙂 denne73,mas pravdu a nebud uz smutna 😔 ,mysli uz len na nieco pekne. 😉

8. sep 2009

A viete co?ja sa bojim,ze neprestanem rodit 😀 milujem deti,ale bojim sa,ze co potom,ked uz narastu a ja to nebudem zvladat.Velmi si prajem najviac zo vsetkeho aby vyrastli z nich dobri ludia.Teraz je taka nanic doba veru. ☹ Tak sa o nich bojim,ze by som aj zasla k psychologovi,stale myslim len negativne,ked su prec z domu.V televizii davaju nieco strasne a ja hned revem a premietam si to hned na seba.Som normalna? ☹

9. sep 2009

denne73 naprosto souhlasím, že je nejdůležitější zdraví...a tvého chlapečka je mi líto ☹
U nás je to tak, že jsem přenašečka hemofilie a čekala jsem chlapečka, který byl bohužel nemocný a musela jsem ve 14tt na revizi...takže jen proto si přeju holčičku, abych už tohle nikdy víc nemusela podstupovat. Jinak bych klidně brala i trojčátka kluky 😉

9. sep 2009

Zajkka ty jo..takový čtyři krásný kluci 😵😵 Tak to pátý už bude určitě holčička 😉 😀

Jinak to mám taky jako ty...hrozně se bojím ☹ za vším vidím něco špatného..jeli jsme na dovolenou a já týden dopředu nespala,protože jsem viděla v televizi pořád nějaký nehody, bála jsem se, že se už nevrátíme ☹ Bojím se ho dát babičce, protože bych si nikdy neodpustila kdyby se něco stalo...všude je to samý úchyl, násilník, vrah... ☹ ☹

9. sep 2009

veru baby, ja mám taký blbý pocit, ked ich dám na jeden deň k mame, že čo ked sa im práve tam niečo stane a ja pri tom nebudem, aspon keby som tam vtedy bola 😅 no som divná 🙂
ty zajkka to je super že chceš mať ešte stále detičky, ved sú fajnové, že? my sa tiež na nich vyžívame a chceme ešte 😉

9. sep 2009

janinac,reivka dakujem Vam a podme k tomu psych........ 😀 😀 😉 mozno nas zoberie naraz 😀 Este jednu radu,kedykolvek si spomeniete,poproste nasich deti anjelov,nech nam davaju na nase deticky pozor.Mne to zatial velmi pomaha,hned ked si odrecitujem jednu formulku.Potom sa tak upokojim. 🙂

6. okt 2009

ahojte baby,som tu prvýkrát a tiez by som chcela veľmi dievcatko nakolko uz mám troch zdravých sibalov,ale tuzba po dievcatku je strasne veľká, ☹ ak niekto nieco vie,nech mi dá vediet,dakujem 🙂

7. dec 2009

Top 3 Ways To Conceive A Baby Girl

In this day and age, some people still argue if it is at all possible to choose the gender of your baby.

Of course it is possible!

Science has found ways to virtually guarantee you the conception of baby of a preferred gender... if you're willing to endure some very invasive medical procedures - and you're able to pay - that is!

In this article, however, we're going to talk about completely natural, safe and simple ways to conceive a baby girl!

Although there is a myriad of old wives' stories and anecdotes about how to conceive a baby girl, these 3 ways are standing above the rest!

1. Know when is the right time to conceive a baby girl.

What: Chances of conceiving a baby girl greatly increase when conception happens 3 – 4 days before ovulation.

Why? Sperm carrying girl-producing chromosome live longer than the boy-producing sperm – thus they will outlive the latter when the time to fertilize the egg comes.

How to do it: In order to conceive a baby girl, have intercourse a few days prior to ovulation.

What will you need: A way to track when your ovulation is due. If you're not comfortable with methods such as charting basal temperature and the like, ask for ovulation predictor kit in your pharmacy.

2. Know how to conceive a baby girl.

What: Yes, we're talking about that three letter word;) So, which is the best position to conceive a baby girl? Any position that will result in depositing the sperm as far away from cervix is optimal.

Why? Remember when we said that girl-producing sperm live longer than boy-producing sperm? Since "girl sperm" are more like marathon runners, and "boy sperm" are more like sprinters, there's a greater chance that "girl sperm" will survive that long and hard journey and eventually meet the egg.

How to do it: If you want to conceive a baby girl, make love in a missionary position, or any other position where penetration is shallow.

What will you need: ... oh, but seriously;) Are additional explanations really needed? I think you can answer this by yourself;) Or, like Nike says: Just do it!;)

3. Diet to conceive a baby girl.

What: What you eat while trying for a girl can significantly upper your odds of conceiving your little baby girl!

Why? Eating foods high in magnesium is said to help you conceive a baby girl. While this sounds like an old wives' tale, it doesn't hurt to try, does it? Furthermore, some foods will make your reproductive tract more acidic, which in itself makes a friendlier environment for sperm carrying girl-producing chromosomes.

How to do it: If you're trying for a girl, your daily diet should include lots of green vegetables - which are rich in magnesium. To make your vagina more acidic, increase your intake of acid producing foods, such as meats and sweets.

What will you need: To test your acidity, you can use vaginal testing strips, available in most health stores. And, when shopping for groceries, don't forget some whole grains, corn, and - a chocolate;)

Anita Bern blogs on Conceive a baby girl blog - http://how-to-conceive-girl.blogspot.com - about - what else - how to conceive a baby girl! You are free to republish this article in your electronic or printed newsletter, on your website or a blog - as long as the hyperlink to my blog stays intact or I'm credited as a writer in some other way.


How to Conceive a Girl
You may be wondering if there is anything you can do to increase your chances of conceiving a girl. You may have heard of the Shettles method for gender selection. According to Dr. Shettles’ book, if you follow the book’s rules correctly, you have a 75 to-80% chance of conceiving a girl. If you would like more information on the Shettles method you may want to read How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby by Dr. Landrum Shettles, M.D., Ph.D.

Conceiving a girl: Female sperm vs male sperm
The gender of your baby is determined by your partner’s sperm.Female sperm are bigger and live longer than male sperm, but they are also slower. Thus, having intercourse a few days before ovulation will give the female sperm an edge over the male sperm.

When to have sex if you would like to conceive a girl
Timing intercourse for having a girl may be more challenging thantrying for a boy. You will want to have sex several days before you ovulate. However, if you have intercourse too close to ovulation you may end up conceiving a boy. Sperm can live up to five days. You want to time intercourse so that you are having sex as far from ovulation as possible but still close enough that the sperm will still survive. The female sperm live longer than the male so if you time things right, the male sperm will not make it to the egg to fertilize it. You want to try not to have sex during the two days before your peak day. Unfortunately, if you don’t have a regular cycle or if you ovulate earlier than you normally do, you may end up having intercourse close enough to ovulation to conceive a boy.

Using ovulation tests to help you conceive a girl
Using an ovulation kit is not really helpful for trying to conceive a girl. Ideally, you want to have sex several days before you ovulate. Although using an ovulation prediction kit would be helpful for figuring how you did as far as your timing goes, it is only helpful in retrospect.

When not to have sex if you want to conceive a girl
If you want to try to conceive a girl you will want to abstain from having sex or use a barrier method during the two days before you expect to have your peak day. This may be difficult to determine if you do not have a regular cycle. You can start having intercourse as soon as you start having fertile cervical mucous and try to stop two days before your peak day. You will probably want to look at previous charts to try to predict this.

Drawbacks to trying to conceive a specific gender
Using the Shettles method is not a guarantee that you will conceive a girl and you may become frustrated if you do not get pregnant right away. If you find you are not getting pregnant you may want to time intercourse a little closer to when you anticipate your peak day. Still, keep in mind, that limiting the days you have sex to just the day of ovulation you may decrease your chances of getting pregnant. If you are having problems getting pregnant, you may not want to attempt gender selection methods.

17. dec 2009

Mne jedna mamina 4 deti poradila, ze mam mat najprv orgazmus ja a potom manzel a bude dievcatko. Suvisi to s tou vydrzou spermii aj ked uplne nechapem ako😀

11. jan 2010

Duratlicka never jej, tak potom prečo ja mám 3 chlapov?

20. jan 2010

vie 11 😀 😀 😀 😀 do bolo dost dobre 😀 😀 😀
ja chcem dievcatko ak nebude kto chce chlapceka ??? 😀 😀 😀 😀

20. jan 2010

robil tu niekedy niekto nejaku tabulku ze ci to niekomu vyslo na zaklade predpovede jonasa alebo toho cinskeho kalendara ??

20. jan 2010

lindda nam vysli vsetky 3 dievcatka podla www.jasanek.webpark.cz/plzak.html ...len skoda ze sme nanu natrafili az ked 3 bola uz v brusku 😀 😀 😀

24. jan 2010

Ja mam obavu ze ak sa rozhodnem bude to chlapec a ja chcem strasne dievcatko 🙂

24. jan 2010

Aj ja chcem dievčatkooooooo 🙂

4. feb 2010

tak to ano ja uz po troch by som to asi nezvladla 🙂 🙂 🙂 my sa mozno bude chystat v lete na dievcatko !!!!!

4. feb 2010

aj chcem strasne moc dievcatko, ani neviete ako, mam 2 chlapcov, su velmi zlati, vlastne ako kedy, ale strasne mi v dome chyba baba, poradte.... ☹

4. feb 2010

ahojte aj ja chcem dievčatkooo 🙂

4. feb 2010

Holky já myslím, že je to všechno osud...při minulém těhu my podle všech tabulek vycházelo, že čekám holčičku a byl to kluk ☹ Mě by teda bylo jedno, že je to kluk, ale máme genetickou nemoc právě na chlapečky a ten druhý byl i nemocný, takže jsem musela těhotenství ukončit. Teď šetříme na holčičku 😉

4. feb 2010

MI podle všech tabulek 😅

4. feb 2010

čo je MI ?

4. feb 2010

No já jsem napsala MY a mělo tam být MI 😅

4. feb 2010

ahaaa ano 😀 ja že nejaká skratka hehe

4. feb 2010

reivko zkoušela jsi nějaký tabulky? Vychází ti podle nich nějaký pohlaví? A necháte si říct, co čekáte? nebo to bude překvapení k porodu? 😉

Prečítaj si, čo potrebuješ vedieť o otehotnení.
Naše mamičky spísali skvelé rady, ako otehotnieť.
Dôležité je poznať aj príznaky tehotenstva.
Zisti, kedy má žena plodné dni.
Kedy a ako používať tehotenský test?
Zisti viac o tvojom tehotenstve týždeň po týždni alebo si prečítaj, ako prebiehajú jednotlivé mesiace tehotenstva.
Nepoznáš termín pôrodu? Vypočítaj si ho v tehotenskej kalkulačke.
Modrý koník ti prípadne napovie aj pri neplodnosti.

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