Mám autistické dieťa. Cesta a výzva zároveň

13. nov 2009

otvaram tuto temu kedze podobnu som nikde nenasla....

u nas to vyzera , ze asi ano. len cakam na vysledok je to ako cakanie ,ako na kata ☹

velmi sa trapim kvoli tomu uz dlho a bola by som rada , ak by s atu nasli mamicky ktore maju podobny problem...
myslim si ze by sa dalo o tom vela rozpravat a mne osobne dobre robi ak mozem o tom rozpravat a hlavne s niekym kto uz ma doma podobny problem alebo poznal niekoho...

bude to ako skupinova terapia, inak to ani nazvat neviem ale myslim ze sa tu snad niekto najde.. a budem esi mat co povedat...

myslim si ze je to tema, novodoba , ktora zacina trapit mnohe rodiny a nasu spolocnost...
nehovori s ao tom lahko , ani medzi partnermi alebo v rodine, tak uvitam , dobru diskusiu na tuto temu..

dakuejm Vam , vopred ak sa zapojite.. 🙂

26. aug 2011

@andreabe mne samej vychádza tak zo desať bodov 😀 a to mám plný počet v komunikácii 😀 😀 😀

26. aug 2011

@valika_val lenže iná osoba ho nemá ako objektívnejšie poznať, keď s ním nie je denne...
aj anka s ním už bola 2x1hodku a myslím, že ani jej hodnotenia (nech by boli akokoľvek profesionálne, čo si myslím, že sú!!!) by neodhalili jeho 24 hodinový deň...
čo potom nejaký "objektívny odborník", ktorý je s dieťaťom polhodku až hodku? 😒

a ak by tam aj boli "objektívnejšie" výsledky, tak rozhodne nie o nejakých 100bodov nižšie... 😔

26. aug 2011

@magimary ja som odfajkla len že má 7r.8m. a že som rodič, nič iné, od toho to vôbec nezávisí
ten dotazník je originál určený nato, aby si si mohla ohodnotiť, ako zaberá nejaká terapia, napr. dávaš magn+B6 a o dva týždne zistíš, či za zlepšil, či nie

26. aug 2011

ja som tu dnes asi za blbu, ale kde najdem tlacitko odoslat, nejaky enter alebo co???

26. aug 2011

@magimary hej, to mas pravdu... ☹

26. aug 2011

@valika_val úplne posledné- enter data for scoring

26. aug 2011

inak, teraz mi to prišlo aj na mail, lebo ja som si myslela, že odpoveď príde až za nejaký čas na mail...

26. aug 2011

@andreabe no já jsem si docela oddechla, páč přece jenom Tygr v něčem divnej je...třeba to jídlo 😉 ale co se týče třeba toho sociálna, tak tam fakt není ani v jedné otázce problém... 😕 co tam je popsané, tak všechno normálně dělá nebo umí....

takže asi fakt v tomto je teda v poho...ono furt přece jenom nějaké pidi podezření mi v té hlavě hlodá 😉

26. aug 2011

ahaaaaaaa, som myslela, ze sa na to neda kliknut, lebo je to svetlosivou 😅
tak vysledok:
Total Score: 60
I. Speech/Language/Communication: 22
II. Sociability: 9
III. Sensory/Cognitive Awareness: 13
IV. Health/Physical/Behavior: 16
ale asi to nie je relevantne... ci? neviem, ako beru do uvahy ten vek.

26. aug 2011

magi, skus to dat vecer vyplnit muzovi... aj ja dam.

26. aug 2011

@magimary Ja som to myslela tak, že napr. problémy s jedlom- jedna mama tej nevadí, že dieťa zje polievku a dve fľaše mlieka za deň, berie to ako OK-minor problém a druhá to berie ako max. problém a hneď máš dva body rozdiel. Ale samozr. by nebol rozdiel 100 bodov, tak možno 10 dokopy.

26. aug 2011

@valika_val podľa mňa ten sa tam automaticky zohľadňuje,
ten program s tým jednoducho presne ráta a kalkuluje,
veď keď anka hovorila, že by jej vyšlo 10 bodov a nemá ten vek detský, tak ja si myslím,
že z hľadiska veku je to dosť presné...
píše sa tam dátum narodenia, tak asi nie len tak (teda ja som ho tam dala)

a tiež má Teo dosť 😕 😔

áno, @anka912, to chápem...ale ten rozdiel ...by fakt nepomohol...

a valika, skúsim...ak ho ukecám ... (ale on je tradaj a bude sa pýtať mňa, ale skúsim ho spracovať...)

26. aug 2011

@valika_val tvoj je tak malý, že žiaden výsledok nebude relevantný!!! Ale k Tadyho 126???Tomu nerozumiem

26. aug 2011

@anka912 124

prosím vás, koľko ste mali vy u detí, keď ste to robili prvýkrát? 😕

26. aug 2011

magi, idem si tvoje odpovede prestudovat

tu su moje
I. Speech/Language/Communication
1. Knows own name: Somewhat true
2. Responds to `No' or `Stop': Very true
3. Can follow some commands: Very true
4. Can use one word at a time: Not true
5. Can use 2 words at a time: Not true
6. Can use 3 words at a time: Not true
7. Knows 10 or more words: Not true
8. Can use sentences with 4 or more words: Not true
9. Explains what he/she wants: Somewhat true
10. Asks meaningful questions: Not true
11. Speech tends to be meaningful/relevant: Not true
12. Often uses several successive sentences: Not true
13. Carries on fairly good conversation: Not true
14. Has normal ability to com municate for his/her age: Not true
Total for Section I: 22
**II. Sociability
1. Seems to be in a shell - you cannot reach him/her: Somewhat descriptive
2. Ignores other people: Very descriptive
3. Pays little or no attention when addressed: Somewhat descriptive
4. Uncooperative and resistant: Not descriptive
5. No eye contact: Somewhat descriptive
6. Prefers to be left alone: Not descriptive
7. Shows no affection: Not descriptive
8. Fails to greet parents: Somewhat descriptive
9. Avoids contact with others: Not descriptive
10. Does not imitate: Not descriptive
11. Dislikes being held/cuddled: Somewhat descriptive
12. Does not share or show: Not descriptive
13. Does not wave `bye bye': Somewhat descriptive
14. Disagreeable/not compliant: Not descriptive
15. Temper tantrums: Not descriptive
16. Lacks friends/companions: Not descriptive
17. Rarely smiles: Not descriptive
18. Insensitive to other's feelings: Somewhat descriptive
19. Indifferent to being liked: Not descriptive
20. Indifferent if parent(s) leave: Not descriptive
Total for Section II: 9
III. Sensory/Cognitive Awareness
1. Responds to own name: Somewhat descriptive
2. Responds to praise: Very descriptive
3. Looks at people and animals: Very descriptive
4. Looks at pictures (and T.V.): Very descriptive
5. Does drawing, coloring, art: Not descriptive
6. Plays with toys appropriately: Somewhat descriptive
7. Appropriate facial expression: Very descriptive
8. Understands stories on T.V.: Somewhat descriptive
9. Understands explanations: Somewhat descriptive
10. Aware of environment: Very descriptive
11. Aware of danger: Not descriptive
12. Shows imagination: Somewhat descriptive
13. Initiates activities: Very descriptive
14. Dresses self: Not descriptive
15. Curious, interested: Very descriptive
16. Venturesome - explores: Very descriptive
17. Tuned in - Not spacey: Somewhat descriptive
18. Looks where others are looking: Somewhat descriptive
Total for Section III: 13
IV. Health/Physical/Behavior
1. Bed-wetting: Serious Problem
2. Wets pants/diapers: Serious Problem
3. Soils pants/diapers: Serious Problem
4. Diarrhea: Not a Problem
5. Constipation: Not a Problem
6. Sleep problems: Not a Problem
7. Eats too much/too little: Not a Problem
8. Extremely limited diet: Not a Problem
9. Hyperactive: Minor Problem
10. Lethargic: Not a Problem
11. Hits or injures self: Not a Problem
12. Hits or injures others: Not a Problem
13. Destructive: Minor Problem
14. Sound-sensitive: Not a Problem
15. Anxious/fearful: Minor Problem
16. Unhappy/crying: Not a Problem
17. Seizures: Not a Problem
18. Obsessive speech: Not a Problem
19. Rigid routines: Minor Problem
20. Shouts or screams: Not a Problem
21. Demands sameness: Minor Problem
22. Often agitated: Minor Problem
23. Not sensitive to pain: Not a Problem
24. Hooked or fixated on certain objects/topics: Minor Problem
25. Repetitive movements: Not a Problem
Total for Section IV: 16

26. aug 2011

@magimary prepáč!!!

26. aug 2011

@sisstin chapem presne o com hovoris 😉 ale vzhladom k bodom mozes byt uuuplne spokojna 😉 este 20 dolu a vas dobehneme 😀
@magimary zaujimave bude, ked urobis ten test o polroka. S malym uz teraz zacinas inak komunikovat, ked nastupite na terapiu, prip,nejake vitaminove doplnky, tak uvidis, ako sa to zmeni.. 😉

26. aug 2011

@anka912 to nič...
aj tak tie dva body nič nezavážia...

ktovie, ako by to vyšlo @lucka261177 -mu malému Samkovi, mmmch, dnes má meniny, nie?!? 😨 😉 🙂
všetko najlepšie a nechže mu len chutí!!!! 😵 😔

26. aug 2011

@valika_val ja si myslím, že oblasť2-3 hovorí najviac o autizme, 1 z časti a 4 najmenej

26. aug 2011

tak máme bodů víc, ono se to pak počítá nějak jinak, když jsem to tam naházela 😅

ate: 8/26/2011 9:01:31 AM
Child's Name:
Total Score: 16
I. Speech/Language/Communication: 11
II. Sociability: 0
III. Sensory/Cognitive Awareness: 3
IV. Health/Physical/Behavior: 2
I. Speech/Language/Communication
1. Knows own name: Very true
2. Responds to `No' or `Stop': Very true
3. Can follow some commands: Very true
4. Can use one word at a time: Very true
5. Can use 2 words at a time: Very true
6. Can use 3 words at a time: Very true
7. Knows 10 or more words: Very true
8. Can use sentences with 4 or more words: Not true
9. Explains what he/she wants: Somewhat true
10. Asks meaningful questions: Not true
11. Speech tends to be meaningful/relevant: Very true
12. Often uses several successive sentences: Not true
13. Carries on fairly good conversation: Not true
14. Has normal ability to com municate for his/her age: Not true
Total for Section I: 11
**II. Sociability
1. Seems to be in a shell - you cannot reach him/her: Not descriptive
2. Ignores other people: Not descriptive
3. Pays little or no attention when addressed: Not descriptive
4. Uncooperative and resistant: Not descriptive
5. No eye contact: Not descriptive
6. Prefers to be left alone: Not descriptive
7. Shows no affection: Not descriptive
8. Fails to greet parents: Not descriptive
9. Avoids contact with others: Not descriptive
10. Does not imitate: Not descriptive
11. Dislikes being held/cuddled: Not descriptive
12. Does not share or show: Not descriptive
13. Does not wave `bye bye': Not descriptive
14. Disagreeable/not compliant: Not descriptive
15. Temper tantrums: Not descriptive
16. Lacks friends/companions: Not descriptive
17. Rarely smiles: Not descriptive
18. Insensitive to other's feelings: Not descriptive
19. Indifferent to being liked: Not descriptive
20. Indifferent if parent(s) leave: Not descriptive
Total for Section II: 0
III. Sensory/Cognitive Awareness
1. Responds to own name: Very descriptive
2. Responds to praise: Very descriptive
3. Looks at people and animals: Very descriptive
4. Looks at pictures (and T.V.): Very descriptive
5. Does drawing, coloring, art: Not descriptive
6. Plays with toys appropriately: Very descriptive
7. Appropriate facial expression: Very descriptive
8. Understands stories on T.V.: Very descriptive
9. Understands explanations: Very descriptive
10. Aware of environment: Very descriptive
11. Aware of danger: Very descriptive
12. Shows imagination: Very descriptive
13. Initiates activities: Very descriptive
14. Dresses self: Somewhat descriptive
15. Curious, interested: Very descriptive
16. Venturesome - explores: Very descriptive
17. Tuned in - Not spacey: Very descriptive
18. Looks where others are looking: Very descriptive
Total for Section III: 3
IV. Health/Physical/Behavior
1. Bed-wetting: Not a Problem
2. Wets pants/diapers: Not a Problem
3. Soils pants/diapers: Not a Problem
4. Diarrhea: Not a Problem
5. Constipation: Not a Problem
6. Sleep problems: Not a Problem
7. Eats too much/too little: Moderate Problem
8. Extremely limited diet: Not a Problem
9. Hyperactive: Not a Problem
10. Lethargic: Not a Problem
11. Hits or injures self: Not a Problem
12. Hits or injures others: Not a Problem
13. Destructive: Not a Problem
14. Sound-sensitive: Not a Problem
15. Anxious/fearful: Not a Problem
16. Unhappy/crying: Not a Problem
17. Seizures: Not a Problem
18. Obsessive speech: Not a Problem
19. Rigid routines: Not a Problem
20. Shouts or screams: Not a Problem
21. Demands sameness: Not a Problem
22. Often agitated: Not a Problem
23. Not sensitive to pain: Not a Problem
24. Hooked or fixated on certain objects/topics: Not a Problem
25. Repetitive movements: Not a Problem
Total for Section IV: 2

26. aug 2011

@sisstin presne, body sa rácu inak a zohľadňuje vek.

26. aug 2011

@andreabe no, práve v to dúfam, lebo toto ma fakt zaskočilo... 😔
som bola taká rada, že aké veľké číslo, že jak dobre..., keď som to zbadala...

preto sa ale pýtam, na akých číslach ste začínali vy?
a ešte: myslíte, že toto "vyšetrenie" berú do úvahy aj odborníci (tu u nás)?
teda, či tie výsledky považujú za relevantné? 😕

26. aug 2011

@anka912 jj, no nejlíp dopadnul v tom sociálnu...nejhůř v té řeči, což je teda logický 😝

26. aug 2011

@magimary ja som ten papier vytlačila a dala mojej psych. veľmi ju to zaujalo.
Ja som to robila pred pár mesiacmi a mal +- to isté
V takom vyššom veku už veľa nenapravíš, najviac v prvých povedzme 5 rokoch

26. aug 2011

je niekde nejaka tabulka, kde sa to da porovnat, kde je vysvetlenie, ake su hranice a tak?

26. aug 2011

@anka912 a skôr nie? myslím teda či si mu to nerobila pred pár rokmi a tak? 😕

no, to sa pýtam, valika, už hodnú chvíľu aj ja...
ale zatiaľ čakám na odpoveď...

26. aug 2011

@magimary nie
skús pohľadať na stránke. To čo som vravela ja, som si tak pre seba logicky odvodila a z iného podobného testu, čo som o ňom počula.
Veriť mi predsa nemušíš, ale predstavu to dáva

26. aug 2011

tak potom odkial viete tie hodnotenia? a ze do 30 je to ok?

26. aug 2011

@anka912 aha 😒

valika, to anka vie...
ževraj je to tam aj v tom teste...
ale ja som si to nevšimla a určite tam k tomu priamo v texte dotazníka nie sú aj objasnenia...
takže, neviem 😕

26. aug 2011

@magimary ked mal maly
2r.9m = 51 bodov
3r.4 mes=36 bodov
3r. 10 mes=27 bodov