USA recepty

18. sep 2008

Baby, zacinam tuto temu, lebo na domacom fore sa tie recepty stratia pri tom mnozstve prispevkov. Hned Vam tu davam aj jeden zaujimavy recept z Food Network. Mam ho vykusany a cela rodina ho zboznuje:

Risotto in a Lemon Cup

2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons butter, plus 1 tablespoon
1 large shallot, diced
1 cup Arborio rice
1/2 cup dry white wine
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan, plus 2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons mascarpone cheese
1/2 a lemon, zested amd juiced
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
6 lemons, for serving

In a medium saucepan bring the broth and 1/2 cup water to a simmer. Cover the broth and keep hot over low heat.
In a medium, heavy saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter over medium heat. Add the shallot and saute until tender but not brown, about 3 minutes. Add the rice and stir to coat with the butter. Add the wine and simmer until the wine has almost completely evaporated, about 3 minutes. Add 1/2 cup of the simmering broth and stir until almost completely absorbed, about 2 minutes. Continue cooking the rice, adding the broth 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly and allowing each addition of the broth to absorb before adding the next, until the rice is tender but still firm to the bite and the mixture is creamy, about 20 minutes. Remove from the heat. Stir in the remaining tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of Parmesan, mascarpone cheese, the lemon zest and juice, and the salt and pepper.

To serve, cut 1/4-inch off the bottom of each lemon so they stand on their own. Take 1-inch off the stem end. Using a grapefruit spoon scoop out the flesh of the lemon and discard. Fill each lemon with about 1/2 cup of risotto. Sprinkle the tops with the remaining 2 tablespoons of Parmesan. Serve immediately.

17. dec 2008

adusa, a zase ten rum, ak niekto najdete dajte vediet.

18. dec 2008

jeeej mam te vajcovy liker 😉

2 salka,2-3 zltky,vodka,vanilka,trochu cukru ak treba-zmixovat 😉

19. dec 2008


600g hladkej muky(ja som dala polohrubu), lebo ta americka sa mi neosvedcila
280g praskoveho cukru
4 cele vajcia
4 lyzice horuceho medu
1 lyzica sody bikarbony(baking soda)
1-2 lyzicky skorice
10 roztlacenych klincekov

Zmiesame dokopy, dame na chvilu odstat, pecieme na papieri, potierame celym vajickom

22. dec 2008

vajecny liker od jednej septembrovky, zevraj vynikajuci

Zruš 5 zltkov, 200g praskoveho cukru, 1 salko, 1/2 rumu alebo vodky

zltky a cukor vymiesat do hladkej peny, potom pomaly prilievat salko, a nakoniec alkohol, dobre zmiesat,naliat do flase a je tooooooooo mnaaaam

2. jan 2009

Ruske pirozky - recept z "mimibazaru"

ja ich este nemam vyskusane, ale ten prvy ta kocka pisala ze ma vyskusany

Potrebne ingrediencie:
- 1kg polohrubej muky
- 3 PL krystalovy cukor
- 2 vajcia
- 1 zltok
- 2 dl olej
- 0,5l mlieka
- 2 kocky drozdia
- 1 vanilkovy cukor
- 1 čl soli
- trochu perlivej mineralky
- prašok do pečiva

Postup: pripravime si kvasok z drozdia, polovice mlieka a trosku cukru.
Zo zvysnych surovin vypracujeme cesto, vylejeme kvasok a vymiesime dohladka.
Nechame kysnut na teplom mieste 20 minut.
Potom cesto rozvalkame na hrubku 0,5cm.
Plat narezeme na stvorceky asi 7x7 cm a poukladame na ne plnku podla chuti ( mak, lekvar,tvaroh, orechy ...). Okraje stvorcov zlepime tak aby sa plnka zakryla.
Batoztek potom na doske vytvarujeme do podlhovasteho tvaru "sulanim".
Nakoniec vyprazame v horucom oleji do zlatista.

Druhy recept:

zmiesat spolu
50g drozdie
1/2 l vlazneho mlieka
cajovu salku cukru
100g rozpust.masla
1kolmu caj.lyz.soli-vsetko vymiesat,
a pridat muku-nie je ale napisane mnozstvo,len,ze musis pridat tolko muky,aby vzniklo jemnejsie cesto,
kt.nechas nakysnut,az kym nezdvoji svoj objem,potom ho treba znovu premiesit,
a opat nechat treti raz ho opat vymiesis,a pridas este muku,
aby vzniklo cesto o nieco jemnejsie ako cesto na chlieb,ci pizzu.
potom ho vyvalkas,nakrajas stvorce apod, a naplnis,ci na slano,
alebo sladko-alebo len lekvarom,podla vlastnej fantazie,uzavries- na tvar pirozka,ci valceka-atd.,
a vyprazas v hor.oleji,alebo sa mozu piect v rure,v tom pripade ich ale treba potriet vajcom.

14. jan 2009

Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day

1 ½ tbsp yeast
1 ½ tbsp salt
3 cups lukewarm water
6 ½ cups all-purpose flour

-put flour, salt and yeast in a big bowl and just stir around a little so they mix together
-add water and mix together until no dry pieces of flour are visible (maybe 3 minutes), you can mix with wooden spoon or by hand
-you will get mixture that is wet and sticky
-cover the bowl (not air tight) and let sit at a room temperature for at least 2 hours before you can use the dough
-if you don’t wish to make bread now, you can store dough in a covered container in a frigde for up to 2 weeks
-if you want to make a bread, take as much dough as you want and form a shape of loaf you like (kind of tuck/fold sides of the loaf under, it seems like you are stretching top part of loaf), add flour if you need to, so dough it not sticking to your hands or your board
-cut top of the loaf with knife (it you don’t to it, bread will crack on it’s own while in the oven), you can make “cross” cut or several parallel cuts, pretty much any kind of cut will do
-let your loaf sit at a room temperature for about 40 min
-heat up your oven to about 460F (some recommend up to 495F)
-put your loaf on parchment paper or put some cornmeal on your pan so bread doesn’t stick, use middle rack in the oven
-put another pan on the bottom rack, then oven is hot, put about 2-3 cups of water in your pan, steam will help to create a perfect crust
-bake for about 35-45 min, depends on size of a loaf, until nice and golden/light brown
-when bread is done it has a hollow sound when you knock on it
-cool down and enjoy

Half a dose makes about 24 oz loaf.
¾ tbsp yeast
¾ tbsp salt
1 ½ cup lukewarm water
3 ¼ cup all-purpose flour

14. jan 2009


1 1/2 tbsp yeast = ja som dava dva sacky suseneho drozdia
3/4 tbsp yeast = dala som jeden sacok suseneho drozdia

a vyslo to ok

16. jan 2009
tam je ten recept na scerstve rozky, su uplne super.

31. jan 2009

Plnene zemiaky sampionmi.

Uvarim zemiaky v supke.
Po uvareni osupem ,prekrojim na polovicu a vnutro vydlabem.Ukladam na pekac a posolim.
Na panvici oprazim sampiony z konzervy,pridam cierne korenie,mletu papriku(trosku,ja podla oka,a mame radi viac koreniste),mozte pridat aj sunku nadrobno pokrajanu.
Zmesou plnim zemiaky,navrch dam lyzicu kyslej smotany a platky syra .
Supnem zapiect do rury,ked je syr roztopeny a do zlata sfarbeny vytiahnem...a papame.

31. jan 2009

Rusky salat.

1 vrstva-zemiaky varene v supke,osupem a krajam na kolieska,ukladam na velky tanier,osolim.
2 vrstva-majoneza
3 vrstva-cibula ,na drobno pokrajana
4 vrstva-tuniak z konzervy
5 vrstva-vajcia na tvrdo uvarene
6 vrstva-majoneza
7 vrstva uvarena,postruhana mrkva
8 vrstva-cvikla(kolecka alebo mozte postruhat)

9. feb 2009


60-70 g polohr.muky
2-3 lyzice cukru
3 dcl tepleho mlieka
125 g palmarinu
trosicku soli
(ak chcete mozte aj trochu kys.smotany ale aj nemusite)

Cesto zmiesat,pri konci miesenia trosicku oleja(cesto bude vlacne a vydrzia kolace dlho makke),nechat kysnut.
Po vykysnuti vykrajovat kolecka plnit dovnutra tvarohom,zatvorit .
Ukladat na pomasteny plech,potret vajcom,potom do prostriedku dat dzem a napr.cucoriedky a posypku.

posypka-5lyzic cukru,5 lyzic krupice,skorica,1/2 palmarinu

Supnut do rury a piect.

Kolace mozte robit aj inak.
Napr.vykysnute cesto date na pomasteny pekac do formy ako,cize budete mat velky kolacisko a na vrch date tvaroh,dzem,ovocie,posypku......podla chuti.Nezabudnut ale potret vajcom.
Skuste 😉

9. feb 2009

este k tej posypke....
zmiesate normalne rukou na taku drobku 😉

9. feb 2009

tinita, to je ozaj iba 60-70 g muky alebo jedna nula usla?

10. feb 2009

Luci-- 😉 jezinko,to som veru prehliadla,sorry...ale skusene gazdinky hadam pochopili
dievcata,ja vzdy peciem aj varim od oka,nemam nijaku odmerku,a muky som dala asi pol kila a kolacov som mala na 3 mensie plechy 😉
fakt mi vysli uuuzasne !!! tesim sa,su take jemne,maslove,makkucke 🙂

13. feb 2009

tinita: tie plnene zemiaky sampionmy sa zdaju byt skvele....tento vykend to vyskusam....

14. feb 2009

digysa-plnene zemiaky su aj pomerne rychle jedlo,ja ich zboznujem,tak potom napis ako sa vydarili 😉

15. feb 2009

ahojte kočky, budem veľmi rada, ak sem niektorá z vás napíše svoj osvedčený recept na cheescake. milujem ho a neviem nikde nájsť naozaj dobrý recept zo surovín, ktoré sú bežne dostupné v SR. yo, a keby bol po slovensky, tak to by bolo výborné. ďakujem 🙂

16. feb 2009

Dievcence, pridavam vyskusany recept na kysnute cesto. (robila som ho minimalne 10x za posledny mesiac)
Robila som zatial len ceske buchty plnene lekvarom a orehcovy zavin, vsetko vyslo uplne super.
Podla mna zatial naj kysnute cesto ake som doteraz vyskusala. Vyskusajte. (ja davam obycajne neslane maslo namiesto Ramy)
Recept je z mimibazaru:

26. feb 2009

Katkic, ja robim takuto karfiolovu polievku
my ju mame velmi radi

26. feb 2009

tinita: tak som tie zemiaky konecne urobila. Boli super. Zjedla som ich asi 5, ale musim ta sklamat, uz ich asi tak skoro neurobim.....ze rychle jedlo! To odkial mas?
Uvarit zemiaky, nechat vychladnut, osupat, mne to trvalo na dve etapy. Jeden den som si robila zemiaky a druhy den som ich plnila a zapekala.
Mam vsak otazku. Aky syr tam davas?

6. mar 2009

chicken marsala

olivovy olej
cesnak, vela, ja davam celu hlavicku)
kuracie kotlety(natenko nakrajane kuracie rezne)
portabella mushrooms
marsala vino
petrzlenova vnat

Zapneme olej aj s osupanym cesnekom(cele strucky), na nizkej teplote, aby sa opiekol, ale treba davat pozor aby nezhorel, lebo zhorkne. Ked uz bude pekne oprazeny, vytihaneme ho, a oprazime v tom istom oleji rezne obalene v muke(na vyssej teplote).vytiahneme, pridame na pasiky nakrajane portabella mushrooms, opeciem, pridame cesnek aj kotlety, zalejeme vinkom a dusime. Na koniec nam vznikne z toho omacka(vino sa zredukuje a k tomu muska z reznov) a pridame petrzlenovu vnat. Ja k tomu davam ako prilohu angel hair pasta.

Inak tento recept som obkukala v restike Romano's Macaroni Grill, je to siet restik, a tak mozno aj poznate. Toto jedlo je odtial pre mna to najoblubenejsie

7. mar 2009

spinach and mascarpone soup

4tbs butter
1 bunch scallions, trimmed and chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
12oz/350g spinach or sorrrel or arugula
3 cups vegetable bouilon
8oz/225g mascarpone cheese
1 tbsp olive oil
2 slices thick-cut bread, cut into cubes
1/2 tsp caraway seeds
salt and pepper

Melt half the butter in a very large pan over a medium heat. Add the scallions and celery, adn cook, stirring frequently, for about 5 minutes, or until softened. Pack the spinach, sorrel, or arugula into the pan. Add the bouilon and bring to boil over a medium heat, then reduce the heat, cover, and cook for 15-20 minutes. Transfer the soup to a blender or food processor and process until smooth. (ja som to urobila ponornym mixerom priamo v hrnci) Add the mascarpone cheese to sthe soup and heat gently, stirring constantly, until smooth and blended. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Heat the remaining butter with the oil in a skillet over a medium heat. Add the bread crumbs and cook, turning frequently, until golden brown, adding the caraway seeds toward the end of cooking, so they do not burn.

Ja som to robila s porom namiesto scallions a nemala som ani celery. Hodila som do toho cely sacok cerstveho spinach a asi polku aruguly a stacilo na tie tri salky bujonu. A nerobila som ani chlebove kocky. 😉

7. mar 2009

chocolate zabaglione (serves 4)

4 egg yolks
4tbsp superfine sugar
1 3/4oz / 50g dark chocolate
1/2cup marsala wine
amaretti cookies, to serve

In a large glass mixing bowl, using an electric whisk, whisk the egg yolks and superfine sugar together until you have a very pale mixture. Grate the chocolate finely and fold into the egg mixture. Fold the Marsala wine into the chocolate mixture. Put the mixing bowl over a pan of gently simmering water and set the electric whisk on the lowest speed or change to a hand-held balloon whisk. Cook, whisking continuously until the mixture thickens; take care not to overcook or the mixture will curdle.

Spoon the hot mixture into 4 warmed glass dishes or large coffee cups. Serve the zabaglione as soon as possible so that it is warm, light, and fluggy accompanied by amaretti cookies.

Cook's tip (not mine obviously hehe):
Make the dessert just before serving as it will separate if you let it stand. If it begins to curdle, remove it from the heat immediately and put it into a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking. Whisk furiously (sure I'll be furious 😀 ) until the mixture comes together.

Este som to neskusala, takze len dufam, ze je to mnam mnam. 😉

19. mar 2009

inac, mohli by ste pisat po slovensky...ved po anglicky si to kto chce najde v anglickych kucharskych knihach, alebo nete...ja s tym problem nemam kedze som v UK nejaky ten cas zila, ale mozno maminy, ktorym english nic nehovori by tiez rady nieco vyskusali, hm?

1. apr 2009

bashka, sorry, ja som to odpisovala z kucharskej knihy. este to prekladat? ach jaj. 😅

23. apr 2009

Jablkovy kolac s ricottou a bielou cokoladou

na vrch davam viac cokolady, kupim balicek tych malickych cokoladiek co sa davaju do cookies a cely vysypem na povrch

12. máj 2009

Peach Cheesecake

1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoon butter, melted
2 eggs
24 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup peach jam, plus 1 cup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a medium size bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs with the sugar and butter. Mix well and place in the bottom and sides of an 8-inch springform cake pan. Make sure to press against the sides and bottom of the pan. Set crust aside.

Prepare the filling by beating the eggs and cream cheese together. Add the sugar and vanilla and continue beating until well blended. Add 1/4 cup peach jam and mix until incorporated. Pour mixture into prepared crust and bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes.

12. máj 2009

Este toto k tomu patri 🙂
Remove cake from oven and top with remaining 1 cup peach jam. Cool to room temperature and then refrigerate overnight.

13. máj 2009

Carolyn's Gelatin Cheesecake

1 (12-ounce) container low-fat (1 percent) cottage cheese
2 (0.3-ounce) boxes sugar free strawberry gelatin, plus 1 box (recommended: Jell-O)
2 ready-made light graham cracker crusts
1 pint fresh strawberries, plus extra for garnish
1 (8-ounce) container frozen light whipped topping, thawed

Put cottage cheese in a blender. Make 2 boxes of the gelatin, using 1 cup of hot and 1 cup of cold water. At once, before it jells, add to cottage cheese. Blend until smooth. Pour evenly into crusts and refrigerate until set. Cut up fruit and place on top of pie. Make remaining package of gelatin as per instructions on box. Pour it on top of fruit and put it in refrigerator until set. Put whipped topping on top. Garnish with more fruit.