English writing

28. apr 2007

Let´s write in English. I would like to improve my English. I have daughter Caroline, she is 7 month old. What will you do during this week-end?

4. mar 2009

tasha thanks. I mean studying teaching on Uni, i made a mistake..sorry. 🙂

4. mar 2009

no worries 🙂

4. mar 2009

eveen linguistics is a theory of language, then you study word formation, syntax, semantics, lexicology, phonetics... you remember what you studied at high school/grammar school as Slovak language? than it´s the same, just in English 😀

It´s pretty difficult, but we - english language enthusiasts - simply loved it... 😵 😵 😵

4. mar 2009

hi girls, somebody could maybe answer here?

4. mar 2009

where did you study E, norik? and did you study to teach E?

4. mar 2009

he he Tasha I studied in Presov, British and American studies (Anglistika a amerikanistika).... and later did postgradual studies - pedgogical minimum or how is it called nowadays 😀

4. mar 2009

understand...i did so in Trnava, but it was ´ucitelstvo vseobecno-vzdel. predmetov´ 😀 along with History..

4. mar 2009

today it´s called "Doplňujúce vzdelanie na získanie pedagogickej spôsobilosti" what a glamorous name!!!! 😀 😀 😀

4. mar 2009

Hi Norik, when I look at your Filipko Im immediately in a good mood. He is so cute.
My Veronka has just fallen asleep.

4. mar 2009

Hi Duskaf, thanx 🙂
Today he made his first steps and he was only pushing the walker...he was looking at his own feet wandering what is going on??? He was so happy and I was laughing so much.... and he had his first hair-cut today 😀 big boy 😀 😀 😀

How is your Veronka? And your big boys?

4. mar 2009

you have IP, so your filipko start quickly, my sun begin her first steps when she was 13 months old. 🙂

4. mar 2009

just read your ip 😀 write you soon

Filipko had to do Vojta´s method for a short time and now his legs are very strong 😉 doc said that he is a bit ahead compared to other children in his age 😉

oooops ladies, not wandering but wondering 😀 😀 😀 sometimes my fingers are faster than my eyes 😀 😀 😀

4. mar 2009

Hi Norik.
Filipko ´s first hair-cut? Really- big boy.
My Veronka loved that walker as well. She walked and I couldn´t understand how it was possible that she wasńt tired at all. And I was happy as you. As for walking in our family- our children start walking later than others ones, but they speak, or talk very, very soon. It is the same with Veronka.

5. mar 2009

Hi, is here some mums from Kosice (Tahanovce)? I would like to find somebody who speaks english, cause I dont speak very good slovak, I would say I speak a little. I have a little daughter and maybe somebody would like to go out for some nice walk... 🙂 I dont know anybody here, I am moving all the time.. 😒

11. mar 2009

HI, girls. So I won't go stydy this year. That uni in Komarno is for magyar students only 😀
That topic was on 5. site ..i had to search it, so wake up, where are u all?

11. mar 2009

Eveen, do you have to study in Komarno?

11. mar 2009

oh Now I rememebered your ip, sorry I´m gonna replay tonight 🙂

11. mar 2009

I thought that I can, but it was a big mistake. 😠
Because of that external studium of english, and I would not paid a money for it.
I try it next year in Nitra.

11. mar 2009

Hi girls.
Today my good friend who are living in England send various English materials for me. I mean that stuff you can read when you are waitting for a doctor checking and similar ones. So maybe that makes me learn and prove my English.
Have a nice and peacefull evening. 😵

11. mar 2009

duskaf that´s excellent, reading is the best way to visually remember sentence structure, new vocabulary...and it´s fun🙂

12. mar 2009

Ahoj baby, mohli by ste mi prosim toto povedat spravne v slovencine?
“deception” means any deception (whether deliberate or reckless) by words or conduct as to fact or as to law, including a deception as to the present intentions of the person using the deception or any other person.
Ja si to slovne prelozit viem, ale potrebujem to objasnit zrozumitelne podstatovo v slovenskej terminologii. Dik.

15. mar 2009

ahoj briketa, ja by som to chápala asi takto:

"klamstvo/podvod" znamená akékoľvek klamstvo/podvod - či už zámerné alebo nezámerné,z nedbalosti, z nepozornosti - slovami alebo správaním sa v určitých činoch, udalostiach či okolnostiach alebo vo vzťahu k zákonom, pravidlám, vrátane klamstva/podvodu vo forme prítomného zámeru, vôle, úmyslu človeka využívajúceho klamstvá/podvody alebo aj inej, druhej, ďalšej osoby.

... hádam ti to niečo pomôže... 😉

22. mar 2009

helou girls, who can help me with translanting of few sentences from Slovak to english /something for CV/? will send IP.. PLEASE HELP

5. jún 2009

Hi girls,how are you?
Haven´t been here for ages 😅

5. jún 2009

me neither 😒 how are you? we´re fine 😎

5. jún 2009

so am I 😀

5. jún 2009

How are you Norik? Is it your Honey Bunny´s birthday or have I missed it already? 😕 Wishing all the best to your lovely one 🙂

5. jún 2009

so etuš you renewed very useful topic 🙂

5. jún 2009

Adda-I definitely did 🙂 We´ll see how far we will get tonight 😀
How are you girls?
Are you not planning the second baby yet? 😀 Cause I am 🙂 Hopefully next year we will have another cute little rascal in our family 😀

5. jún 2009

Etuš i m planning the second baby in four - six years 🙂 Etuš why you are not specified in your pas like snž? 😀