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Jacqueline Wilson + audio CD

Majú vaše dcéry radi dievčenské romány od anglickej spisovateľky Jacqueline Wilson? Čo tak skúsiť si ich prečítať či vypočuť v angličtine? Zaručené zábavné čítanie a počúvanie nielen pre deti, ale aj pre dospelákov.
Niektoré knihy obsahujú aj CD s nahrávkou textu knihy v angličtine.

* CLEAN BREAK - It deals with the consequences of a father abandoning his family. (301 strán) Cena za sadu (kniha + audio CD) – 13 €.

* BEST FRIENDS - In this book Biscuits' surname is McVitie, but in Cliffhanger his surname is Baker, as Tim wrote a postcard to him with the name as Mr "Biscuits" Baker; this may be due to the fact that Alice hates Biscuits, and McVitie's are a biscuits company, so she might be making fun out of him. (224 strán). Cena za sadu (kniha + audio CD) – 10 €.

* SECRETS- "Secrets" is told from the point of view of two pre-adolescent girls, Treasure and India, via their diary entries. Despite their very different backgrounds, the girls strike up a friendship and their stories begin to intertwine. (220 strán) Cena za sadu (kniha + audio CD) – 10 €.

* THE STORY OF TRACY BEAKER - Tracy is ten years old. She lives in a Children's Home but would like a real home one day, with a real family. Meet Tracy, follow her story and share her hopes for the future in this beautifully observed, touching and often very funny tale, all told in Tracy's own words. (158 strán) Cena za sadu (kniha + audio CD) – 9 €.

* THE CAT MUMMY - Verity adores her cat, Mabel, and is desperately sad when she dies. Remembering her recent school lessons about the Ancient Egyptians, Verity decides to mummify Mabel and keep her hidden. (96 strán) Cena za sadu (kniha + audio CD) – 8 €.

* VICKY ANGEL- A book about a young girl's struggle with her grief over losing her best friend, Vicky. (156 strán) Cena 5 €

* THE ILLUSTRATED MUM - Set in London, the first person narrative by a young girl, Dolphin, features her manic depressive mother Marigold, nicknamed "the illustrated mum" because of her many tattoos. (222 strán) Cena 6 €

* THE MUM MINDER- It starts off with Sadie's mum catching an illness. As Sadie's mum is a child-minder, Sadie has to look after four toddlers, her mum's mindees, herself. (91 strán) Cena 4 €
Aktualizovaný pred 3 týždňami
1 zobrazenie od 19. okt 2018
74 €65 €
ivuspan    Dolný Hričov (okres Žilina)
Jacqueline wilson + audio cd,
Jacqueline wilson + audio cd,
Jacqueline wilson + audio cd,
Jacqueline wilson + audio cd,