Muž vypisuje "priateľke." Odpustili by ste mu?

19. sep 2015

som vydata, mame 4 deti. vcera som nahodne nasla ze moj muz pozera porno. no dobre, nemame vela "iskri" v posteli. ale dnes rano som nasla ze vypisuje "priatelke". zatlka, ze take len jedno napisal. neverim a mam aj dokazy.
co by ste vy robili, odpustili? alebo ho nechali ist.
kedze nebyvam na slovensku, ich spravy su v anglictine. vy by ste uverili po citani tychto sprav - to bolo len tak z nudy??????

ona jemu - My beloved Txxxxx
I know you are distant for now and meanwhile I can’t help but feeling low and sad, but soon I realize, this time we are apart, occurs for a number of reasons, most against our will, and I sometimes think this can actually be a helpful experience, contributing for a life filled with harmony, love, peace and joy in the future.
I trust you completely. I keep you in my heart, in the coziest corner, warmer, most docile and loving at his disposal.
This little heart stays radiant when I remember your multitude of qualities, your virtues, and so, he beats softer and more cheerful. When thinking of your few “mishaps”, my soul fills with compassion in a way that I accept you the way you are, but at the same time I make myself always willing in lending you a hand, intended to help you overcome any difficulty, because I truly love you.
When my thoughts are upon you and with you I have no fear whatsoever, not even about the future..
I know that “the rest of our lives” is not what’s to come, but what has already been. I’m sure that our path, from now on, will be lit by sunlight’s joy and the moon’s most romantic night sky she can provide.
I love you Sweetheart

ona jemu - My beloved Darling:
You came as a fresh and sweet wind,touching my life, touching my soul and clouding my mind.
I did not want nor could I resist your smile, nor your eyes, or your beauty, from that moment I decided to be part of your life and you become part of mine.
day and every night you're in my heart and in my thoughts,patiently waiting your arrival to love intensely and to care and protect unlettered.
I thank God for your existence, and that makes me the most fortunate and happy woman in the world.
Hugs and kisses Sweet Love

on jej - Hi my sweetheart,
i have so many questions for it's not normal .
whatever i keep asking you ,
what kind of movies and music do you like ?
what is your favorite color ?
you send me a nice pic over facebook i must say i'm so sorry i erase it
by mistake ☹ .
can you send me more i just want to see you as many i can .
miss you and love you
many kisses and hugs

on jej - Hi darling
I don't know I can not help me I've to write you a lot of email i really want to see you in real i miss you so i want just kiss you so much .
Just a little bit of me :
I'm very sensitive , shy and one problem it's very hard to show my fellings but you will see it soon . And what kind of are you ?
Kiss and a soft masage where you like it
P.s i like once a while a beer i hope it is not a problem

on jej - Hi sweetie
Sorry about yesterday we didn't have internet at all that's why i Send you an email . But today looks better . I try to find a new pic of me I'll send it to you as soon i find it .
Hugs and kisses

ona jemu - hello darling:
how are you doing, hope you are well, it has been a very busy and stressful day here in Kabul but despite
all that i still find time to think about you. i don't know when or how soon we will get to meet each other but
am certain that the experience we will derive from our meeting will be a lovely and a memorable one.
i love pop and rock music and i do enjoying seeing action movie maybe it is because am a soldier as well
i love red and green colors and sometime i do prefer black based on what my outfit will be for the day.
am also a sensitive and emotional person and it is amazing how i get to loose my feelings which time
i read from you. i honestly can't wait to see you and kiss you.
i bet you will love it when we get to have our first kiss.
i just want to wish you lovely time out there, i miss you and love you
kisses and hugs for you darling

on jej - hi sweetie ,
you don't answer the emails why ?
i need somethink from you to hear !!!!!!
i miss you

ona jemu - My Darling
In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning.
i just can't sleep cause am here busy thinking about you and how much i would
like to be with you and expereince the beautiful things life have stored together for us.
I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms, only to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything. You are everything to me.
You are everything I do. You see and bring out the best in me. You are the one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life....
Love always,
your always in my heart

on jej - Hi sweety
I think first of all what kind of do you like?
To tell you what i think what we doing or better independent of the situation 😊
First of all have a nice food and than we see how it goes .if it's going well even in your mind as well . We have a romantic night what you don't forget all incl. Nice warm oil masage, than maybe a warm shower or bath or sauna option everything is open how far you want to go .it's important you want all of that as well it's not want i want more likely what you think(want) .but i think after all of it we both need relaxing or sleep 😇.
I really want to kiss you all over you it will be romantic.
I really miss you already i can not help me
Be careful miss you lots of kisses and hugs

on jej - I wish that as well . We will see what the time is doing out of us
Please let me know as soon your on Facebook so we can talk
Kiss you

on jej - hi my sweetheart
your email is nice to read i think we will understand each other very good ,the reason is we are on the same line .
Love you and i attache somet for you i hope you like it .
for ever your love

a posledna sprava dnes rano ked som mu "ukazala" jeho e-maily bola
on jej -
hi sweety
Please do not send me something over facebook please . i will let you know if everythink ok i'm in trouble with my wife don't know what's going on but try to send me an email please .
many kisses and hugs

19. sep 2015

@tiwyna fúha, to čo je za blbosť, že v manželstve nemáš viac právo na súkromie? ty svojho muža vláčiť aj na stretnutia s kamoškami, aby mu nedajbože neuniklo niečo o čom sa bavíte? či ani sa nestretávate s nikým iným, len sami dvaja spolu 24/7 ? keby odomňa chcel muž heslo do mailu alebo hocikam inam, tak sa môže rovno zbaliť a ísť, pretože to znamená, že mi nedôveruje a chce ma kontrolovať...

19. sep 2015

príde mi to ako pokec :D a inak čo sa týka @sissy27 tak ja od mojej priateľky heslo viem aj neviem. Nemám dobrú pamäť, ale ona mi ho viackrát hovorila a ona vie aj moje. Ale nechodíme si na účty, nieje na to dôvod. Dôvody na predošlú návštevu boli čisto pracovné, kedže tam boli nejaké kontakty.

Podľa môjho názoru kontrolovanie účtov a tieto veci sú dosť detinské. :D

19. sep 2015

@steinarka treba sa dopredu objednat u partnera pri podozreni na neveru na prehliadku jeho mailov, mas pravdu. 😀

19. sep 2015

@sissy27 presne tak, ked ma niekto u partnera podozrenie na neveru, asi uz tam dovera nie je, cize kontrola je na mieste. Ci radsej budes zit ako tupka so zlym pocitom, ze ten tvoj ta podvadza, ale , kedze si diskretna, nepojdes sa o tom prsvedcit? V tom pripade ja nie som diskretna. A nehanbim sa zato 😀

19. sep 2015

@charity ziaden trestny cin pokial ide o manzelov

19. sep 2015

@tiwyna nuz, tu ide skor o to, ze u nas take nieco nie je.. ale ako vidim, hovori sa, ze podla seba sudim teba, tak uz asi viem, preco tolko prekrucas.. 😉

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam z takeho chlapa je mi nagrc

19. sep 2015

No jasne....už vidim ako by ,,partner letel ako špinave pradlo,, koli nakuknutiu do mailov aj za jeho chrbat...jasne, fakt dovod na nekompromisný rozchod, hlavne pre tých čo spolu byvaju , hypotekuju a maju deti.... 🙂

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam ona jemu: neskutočne patetické nič nehovoriace frázy. On jej - asi na to skočil 😀
Oni spolu - asi sa nudia, alebo si kompenzujú týmto smiešnym spôsobom nedostatok vzrúša, alebo romantiky v reálnom živote. Každopádne toto nemôže ani jeden z nich myslieť vážne. Evidentne sa vôbec nepoznajú, len si vzájomne masírujú ego a zmysly. Máš doma buď veľmi nezrelého, a asi aj frustrovaného a zanedbávaného chlapa.

19. sep 2015

@tiwyna úprimne? pre mňa vzťah bez dôvery nemá zmysel a neznižovala by som sa k tomu, aby som chlapa kontrolovala... čo z toho budem mať? buď mu verím a nemám prečo kontrolovať, alebo neverím a potom s ním nemám prečo byť 🙂 ja už som asi trošku inde, než aby som strácala čas s kontrolovaním dospelej svojprávnej osoby "len tak pre istotu" 🙂 okrem toho, nevera aj tak vypláva na povrch aj bez takýchto trapností... a vieš, ale ak mám prístup do partnerových emailov či fb a on o tom vie, tak by musel byť úplný kretén, keby si cez tieto stránky vypisoval s nejakou pipkou... to by som sa s ním rozviedla nie kvôli nevere, ale kvôli tomu, že je úplne blbý, pretože každý polointeligent s aspoň dvojciferným IQ by si na takéto veci založil iný mail / účet, o ktorom by jeho oficiálna partnerka nevedela... takže ešte raz - aká je pointa toho mať prístup k partnerových účtom? 😀 žiadna? 😀

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam Ja v tych emailoch vidim zenu, ktora sa snazi vytvarat dojem, ze ide o osudovu lasku... Hovori o citoch, o spolocnom zivote...

On reaguje: Uvidime, co z toho bude... a som zvedavy kolko sexualnych krokov mi dovolis hned na prvy raz.

Ona keca o citoch. On o sexe.

Ale nepodcenovala by som to. Poznam muza, ktory na taketo pateticke kecy o laske naletel a manzelku skutocne opustil. Samozrejme po dvoch mesiacoch bol uz opat single, lebo ta zenska nebola stála. On bol silne nezrely, v detstve vychovavany v bezcitnom prostredi. Mal nizku emocionalnu inteligenciu. Takze lahko naletel.

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam tak mu napis pekne po anglicky spravu:
my dear husband, it seems that you are now on the same heart level with your mistress (btw. I admire her style. She is able to use a lot of words to discribe something that can be done with simple word. But maybe this is what you miss - to hear about your qualities dicsribed in every possible way.).
I was deeply touched with this harmony between you both and I must say that even Tolstoj will not be able to beat it with his Anna Karenina and Vronskij.
Therefore I think it is the highest time to pack your luggage, buy a ticket to Kabul and follow your heart.
Please do not say no and do not try to refer to your fatherhood of our four children (as you never thought about them as you were writting to your newest love. Or did you inform her, that you are father of four? If not, do not be sad, I will do this for you today.)

And please: do not write her, that you are in trouble with your wife. you are not. your wife knows everything. and if you refuse to go, she will kindly deliver you to arms of your beloved. even if she must pack you and send you by air mail to Kabul.
Because she is no longer interested in little horny betrayer. 🙂
PS: I thouhgt you have better taste in porno. But your selection is, let me say it in good manner. disgusting. 😝
PPS: do not forget to send a postcard from time to time.
PPPS: do not forget to send alimony every month.
PPPPS: I wish you pleasant stay in Kabul.

A nechaj na nom, co sa bude diat.

19. sep 2015

@maslenka47 ja to chcem riesit tak ako on pise v maily, kludne chod. ale on zrazu povie ze on to v zivote nepisal a nechce odist prec. ako sa s nim mam porozpravat. ja chcem aby bol stastny a tak ho dam jeho novej priatelke

19. sep 2015

@tomasyno samozrejme iné je, keď jeden druhému povie "prosím ťa, potrebujem niečo, choď na môj mail, tu máš heslo... " to bolo dobrovoľné rozhodnutie tvojej partnerky... ale aby mi niekto povedal "daj mi tvoje heslo, lebo už sme manželia / inak ti neverím" tak ako pardón... a ako som spomínala - ak bude chcieť niekto niečo riešiť cez sociálne siete, tak aký je problém vytvoriť si nový profil? 😅

19. sep 2015

@sissy27 no predstav si ze on mi dal hesla aj na facebook - aj ked si ho v posledny den tri krat premenil. ale ked som ho pytala tak mi ho dal.
ved ja som mu do e-mailu nechodila. on ho nechal otvoreny pre mna aby som ho nasla. a ked uz vidim tak preco by som neprecitala. ved kazdy je zvedavy. a ja mu nevravim nechaj ju. vravim chod k nej

19. sep 2015

@steinarka ja nic neprekrucam

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam no tak v tomto prípade by som mu naozaj zbalila saky - paky už len preto, že je úplný blbec... vie, že máš heslo, že sa môžeš k týmto konverzáciám dostať a ešte sa bude tváriť, že on s tým nič nemá... čo ti ako povie? že ešte ďalších 10 ľudí má prístup k jeho účtom a písal to niekto iný? alebo dokonca ty?
Inak @moonlight1210 ti dala tip za milión 😎 porozmýšľaj 😎

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam hehe daj jej ho, ty o nic neprides a ona nic uzasne neziska 😀

19. sep 2015

Hmmmm....vas vztah vypada byt riadna fraska,ked tvoj muz fici na tomto internetovom blude. Take kydy som nepisala ani v 16

19. sep 2015

@maslenka47 ano, problemy. o ktorych som nikdy nepocula. nikdy som nepocula ze mu treba viacej sex. takze ak mu chyba, kludne nech ho ma s nou. ja nie som proti. ale musime byt v rozchode a nie ze sme zosobaseny a on si pojde k inej

19. sep 2015

@tiwyna ano, zistila som co je v mojom zivote dolezite. moje deti a nie moj muz ktory hlada novy vztah. a na nasom nikdy pracovat nechcel. sme uz boli v manzelskej poradni, lebo urobil dlhy. a nic sa nevyriesilo. nikdy nepovedal ze prepac, len ze neviem preco som narobil tisicove dlhy. a ked mu poviem ze je ku mne arogantny, tak to nie je pravda. nasi znami nechcu verit ze ma druhu. ze si ja vymyslam. no ano. asi som si vymyslela takuto frasku. no keby som si mala nieco vymysliet, tak by to nebolo taketo ubohe ako to vidite

19. sep 2015

@moonlight1210 prispevok dna 😀 😀 😀

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam on je pôvodom niekde z blízkeho východu?

19. sep 2015

@stary_ujco ty si to zle cital. to ze nema internet pisal moj muz jej, lebo je pravda v praci internet nema. a na svojom pocitaci nema ziadne fotky. lebo tie su v nasom spolocnom velkom pocitaci. takze jej nemohol nic poslat

19. sep 2015

@alaguema nie, zo zapadnej europy

19. sep 2015

@sissy27 nahodou som nasla tie linky v historii pocitaca na tie porno videa. tak som si potom na druhy den zapla "jeho" notebook a nasla som tam otvoreny mail o ktorom som nevedela ze ho ma a tam boli tie spravy od jeho priatelky
som ho konfrontovala, vsetko zatlka aj ked mu ukazujem jeho spravy k nej, ze ako mu chyba a ako ju lubi a chce byt len s nou a "kiss and hug you"
ze on chce ostat so mnou. ze urobil chybu. ze to bol len zart.
ta baba ozaj existuje. nie je vymyslena. ona caka ze ked pride z blizkeho vychodu kde prave bojuje za usa, tak budu spolu.
ja chcem aby bol stastny a odisiel, on chce naopak ostat tu so mnou a s detmi

19. sep 2015

@esterba no urcite som prispela k rozpadu. nemal dost sexu v posteli

19. sep 2015

@aduskatt ty si uplne mimo. ja som nepouzila ziaden program na ziskanie vstupu do jeho e-mailu, ci facebooku. email nechal otvoreny, facebook heslo mi povedal ked som sa ho pytala, ako sa tam dostanem. takze o ziadnom trestnom cine nemoze byt reci. necitas poriadne.

19. sep 2015

@odchadzam ja som neodpovedala Tebe, ja som odpovedala vyslovene na reakciu typu, že čítanie cudzej pošty nie je trestným činom...

19. sep 2015

@steinarka necitas, on mi dal hesla na facebook a bol dokonca pritomny ked som si s dotycnou pisala. on vedel ze pisem