Som podľa tohto testu tehotná?

14. feb 2014

Prosím, majte so mnou, je to satelitný preložený!


Dúfam, že niekto mi môže pomôcť. Kúpil som si pár IntiMed HCG testy, ale ja som oboznámení s touto značkou. Zaujímalo by ma, či sú náchylní k odparovaniu linky alebo falošných pozitív? Dostávam slabý linku (pridám fotky), ale viem, že niektoré testy sú dobre známe pre zobrazovanie tieňov?


Please bear with me, this is google translated!


I hope someone can help me. I bought a few IntiMed HCG tests, but I'm unfamiliar with the brand. I'm wondering if they're prone to evaporation lines or fake positives? I keep getting a faint line (I will add pictures) but I know some tests are well known for showing shadow lines?


14. feb 2014

Well, you just wait 2 more days and repeat the test. All I can say is that this is how it started with my 4 year boy now... 🙂

14. feb 2014

I hope this will make you happy but it looks positive. What does the description say? Two lines = positive? If yes, congrats!!

14. feb 2014

The second line is definitely there... It is generally unlikely for the test to give you false positive - it picks up the hormones in your urine and the hormone wouldn't be present unless the person is pregnant...

14. feb 2014

I would try another test e.g. GS Mamatest in 2 days. You'll be sure then.

14. feb 2014

I see there two lines 🙂 I think you are pregnant 🙂 Congratulations 🙂

14. feb 2014

Thank you!

Well I'm only 13 days past ovulation, so I guess it's quite normal to get faint lines at this stage? I've been getting faint lines since 10 days past ovulation. I'm waiting for a clearblue test that I ordered online & I'll try the Mamatest too.

gladiola - it will definitely make me happy! 🙂 it's just hard to believe.

Ďakujem vám!

Tak som len 13 dní po ovulácii, takže myslím, že je to celkom normálne, aby sa slabé vedenie v tejto fáze? Bol som stále slabé čiary od 10 dní v minulosti ovulácie. Čakám na Clearblue test, ktorý som si objednal on-line a skúsim Mamatest príliš.

gladiola - to bude určite robiť mi radosť! 🙂 Je to len ťažko uveriť.

14. feb 2014

Yeap, I was the same. Did the test on Friday (two days before my monthly business was due) and had similarly faint line... Then I bought Clear blue and one other pink test on Saturday morning, supposedly much more sensitive, and it picked up much higher levels of hormones so was clearly positive...

14. feb 2014

@newgirl that's wonderful then 🙂 the second line is always so weak at first!! Take care

14. feb 2014

@newgirl btw where are you from?

14. feb 2014

I'm living in Bratislava, but from South West England. I'm engaged to a Slovak man, that's why I moved 🙂

I just did another test (pepino - I couldn't find another brand) and there is another faint line. The darkest yet, I'll upload it!

14. feb 2014

Congratulations babatkoling!

14. feb 2014

@newgirl that's wonderful. The second line is there!!! Well, welcome to Slovakia 🙂 how long have you been living here? How do you like it? 🙂

14. feb 2014

Thanks gladiola 🙂

I've been living here for nearly a year. It was a huge change in the beginning, but I like it. The people I've met so far have been lovely, so that helps! I really need to learn the language soon - I'm sure that will make it much easier.

Where are you from? Do you have any children?

17. feb 2014

@newgirl urcite ano 🙂)

18. feb 2014


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