Chudnutie s Jillian Michaels a formovanie na bikiny fitness

9. apr 2014

Ahojte kočky , chcela by som schudnúť 🙂 mám upravený jedálniček , snažím sa piť denne aspoň 3 litre vody , a navyše papám tak raz za 3 hodiny v malých množstvách , aj sa mi to darilo , ale zrazu , som sa akosi sekla a idem s váhou hore aj keď cvičím , ako ej to možné ? chcela by som skúsiť cvičenie s Jillian Michaels , ale neviem ako to vlastne ani funguje a kde si stiahnem tie levely či ako sa to volá , poradili by ste mi ?

10. apr 2014

Ahoj, o cviceni s Jillian sa dozvies vela v tejto diskusii
V skratke, Jillian ma vela cviciacich programov, pozri tu
Vacsina bab zacina s programom 30 Day shred pripadne Ripped in 30, su to programy na precvicenie a posilnenie celeho tela a zvysenie kondicky. 30 Day shred cvicis spolu 30 dni, 10 dni Level1, 10 dni Level2 a 10 dni Level 3, program Ripped in sa cvici v 4 leveloch, kazdy po 6 dni + 1 den pauza. Stiahnes ich na nete alebo ich najdes na youtube.
Ozaj a ako cvicis? Ak robis posilovacie cviky, je mozne ze ti vaha sla hore prave kvoli tomu ze tvoje svaly nabrali trochu na objeme. To ale vobec nie je na skodu, lebo prave rastuce svaly spaluju tukove zasoby. Takze ak cvicis, neries vahu ale radsej si meraj ci ides dole s centimetrami v pase, bruchu, stehnach...

11. apr 2014

No cvičím podľa jedného kondičného trénera , teda čo pracuje vo fitku :/ a vlastne cvičím , celkom sa mi všetko pevnie , ja mám už skoro 65 kg a výšku 170 :/ ja nechcem mať 70 kg , to je na moju malú výšku dosť veľa , keby že schudnem práve tých 5-8 kg , bola by som tip-ťop a bolo by mi vlastne aj moje svaly vedieť na brušku , ktoré mám po cvičení :/

13. apr 2014

@aduska2312 super, s trenerom sa cvici ovela lepsie ako cloveku samemu. Ja som tiez v procese chudnutia, zhadzujem poporodne kila. Tiez mam 170 cm a snazim sa dostat na povodnu vahu. Po porode som mala presne 70kg takze si viem predstavit s cim bojujes. Ja pri synovi bohuzial tu posilku nedavam ale zda sa ze jillian bude pre mna ten spravny recept. Som sice len na konci prveho levelu shredu ale tiez zacinam citit vysledky, som pevnejsia a ohybnejsia. Takze ja ju urcite odporucam 🙂 a ako dlho uz cvicis s trenerom a kolkokrat do tyzdna?

13. apr 2014

🙂 tak po poriadku 🙂 ja necvičím s ním , ale on mi radí 🙂 pretože on je dosť často v robote a popri tomu sa venuje kamarátom a MMA (bojové umenie ) a navyše k tomu mám doma menšiu posilku 🙂 on pondelka začínam s jillian tak uvidíme 🙂 každú sobotu a v piatok mám tréningy a plus behanie takže sa teším 🙂 , behávam skoro každú sobotu povinne 30 a viac minút po poľných cestách v mojom okolí 🙂 kedysi som chodila s kamarátkami , ale tím to netreba a sú navyše dosť egoistické v týchto veciach , tak si behávam sama a k tomu si prevetrám hlavu 🙂 cvičím cca od februára , povinne , len akosi Apríl sa ulievam a nabrala som to späť ak keď to nevidno , lebo mám takúistú postavu akurát bruško mám väčšie :( a to ma mrzí, lebo mám svaly , len ten tuk akosi nad nimi víťazí a nemôžem ho dať dolu :/ keby že schudnem tak 5 kíl čistého tuku tak som happy 🙂 uvidíme do leta :P držím vám palce v chudnutí späť na svoju váhu 🙂

4. aug 2014

Ahojte baby..potrebovala by som menšiu radu,,ako je to s cvičením..ked cvičím 2x do dna...ako mám jest?napr večer,,mam sa najest a potom cvičit alebo najprv cvičit a potom lahká večera?..aby som to stihla do 7 večer..potom už nejem..dakujeeeeeeem

29. mar 2015


Your body also gets bored of the same exercise routine. Keep changing it after some time to achieve better results.
Eat something before exercising as during your workout you need energy to burn fat.
Exercise plays a major factor in boosting up your self esteem and mood.
Don’t hold on while on a treadmill a sit decreases the calorie burn up to 25%.
Always consult your physician first before starting and make it to different levels i.e. first the beginner then intermediate and so on. It’s very important that your body gets used to all of it first. (toto posledne suhlasim ale kto ma cas a chut ist konzultovat na svk s lekarom ohladom chudnutia???)


The basic factor for a great body is to consume less calorie then you use to have before. The tip by Jillian is to balance all your food groups depending if you are a slow oxidizer which requires great amount of carbohydrates or fast oxidizer which requires proteins and fats in the diet to function well.


Breakfast: Jillian starts her day by consuming carbohydrates for long lasting energy. She normally eats whole-grain Ezekiel English Muffins with almond butter in her breakfast.

Lunch: Her lunch consists of veggies and fish. The most common recipe for her lunch is Salmon Carpaccio and a vegetable or salad

Snack: for an afternoon perk she chooses to have baked chips and salsa, carrot sticks or an orange or raw almonds or Brazil nuts.

Dinner: In dinner Jillian goes for organic and cuts out her carbohydrate intake in dinner.

Sweet Treat: By surely considering her calorie intake Jillian always tries to get her dark chocolate with 200 calories intake!


The three major points that are required to achieve the desired results especially for the dieters are –

Exercise: She stays with the same old fashioned mantra i.e. the vigorous the better which means a lot of hard work and sweat.

Diet: The next equation is the diet and involves a complete calorie control. Apart from calorie control the other factor is the body shape which defines what type of food one should have.

Behavioral modification: The only factor here is the will power. The food intake, techniques for exercising and habits are some of the points which helps those who are little shorter in will power. All the techniques are different from person to person as per their emotional state and their relationship with the food.

Eating and exercise: 5 tips to maximize your workouts
Knowing when and what to eat can make a difference in your workouts. Understand the connection between eating and exercise.

By Mayo Clinic Staff
Eating and exercise go hand in hand. When and what you eat can be important to how you feel when you exercise, whether it's a casual workout or training for a competition. Consider these eating and exercise tips.

1. Eat a healthy breakfast

If you exercise in the morning, get up early enough to finish breakfast at least one hour before your workout. Most of the energy you got from dinner the previous night is used up by morning, and your blood sugar might be low. If you don't eat, you might feel sluggish or lightheaded when you exercise.

If you plan to exercise within an hour after breakfast, eat a light breakfast or drink something to raise your blood sugar, such as a sports drink. Emphasize carbohydrates for maximum energy.

Good breakfast options include:

Whole-grain cereals or bread
Low-fat milk
A waffle or pancake
And remember, if you normally have coffee in the mornings, a cup before your workout is probably OK. Also know that anytime you try a food or drink for the first time before a workout, you risk an upset stomach.

2. Size matters

Be careful not to overdo it when it comes to how much you eat before exercise. The general guideline:

Large meals. Eat these at least three to four hours before exercising.
Small meals. Eat these two to three hours before exercising.
Small snacks. Eat these an hour before exercising.
Eating too much before you exercise can leave you feeling sluggish. Eating too little might not give you the energy to keep you feeling strong throughout your workout.

3. Snack well

Most people can eat small snacks right before and during exercise. The key is how you feel. Do what works best for you. Snacks eaten soon before exercise probably won't give you added energy, but they can help keep up your blood sugar and prevent distracting hunger pangs. Good snack options include:

Energy bars
Bananas or other fresh fruit
Fruit smoothies
Whole-grain bagel or crackers
Low-fat granola bars
Peanut butter sandwiches
A healthy snack is especially important if you plan a workout several hours after a meal.
4. Eat after you exercise

To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat a meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session if possible. Good post-workout food choices include:

Yogurt and fruit
Peanut butter sandwich
Low-fat chocolate milk and pretzels
Pasta with meatballs
Chicken with brown rice
5. Drink up

Don't forget to drink fluids. You need adequate fluids before, during and after exercise to help prevent dehydration.

To stay well-hydrated for exercise, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you:

Drink roughly 2 to 3 cups (473 to 710 milliliters) of water during the two to three hours before your workout.
Drink about 1/2 to 1 cup (118 to 237 milliliters) of water every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout. Adjust amounts related to your body size and the weather.
Drink roughly 2 to 3 cups (473 to 710 milliliters) of water after your workout for every pound (0.5 kilogram) of weight you lose during the workout.
Water is generally the best way to replace lost fluids. But if you're exercising for more than 60 minutes, use a sports drink. Sports drinks can help maintain your body's electrolyte balance and give you a bit more energy because they contain carbohydrates.

Let experience be your guide

Keep in mind that the duration and intensity of your activity will dictate how often and what you should eat and drink. For example, you'll need more energy from food to run a marathon than to walk around the block.

When it comes to eating and exercise, everyone is different. So pay attention to how you feel during your workout and to your overall performance. Let your experience guide you on which pre- and post-exercise eating habits work best for you. Consider keeping a journal to monitor how your body reacts to meals and snacks so that you can tweak your diet for optimal performance.

takze jest ale podla toho kedy budes cvicit. a znova - kazdemu vyhovuje nieco ine. ak sa citis lepsie rano bez jedla tak sa napi a cvic a jedz potom. podobne vecer. nemusis hladovat ale dat si pred a po nieco alebo nieco len pred. po by som uz nedavala velke porcie, len nejake malickosti.